About the Artist
Read more about me on my main portrait website: www.TNGphoto.com
What You Probably Didn’t Know
• I was born in Las Vegas and currently reside in Henderson with my wife and three boys.
• I love music and also enjoy poking fun at music (whether I like the style or not!).
• My favorite classical music piece is the famous 4th movement from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony but that might change depending on the year.
• My favorite metal/rock song is “Unforgiven” by Metallica although I don’t listen to much rock anymore. I think I grew out of most of it.
• Racquetball is the only sport I have interest in these days.
• I once lost an air hockey battle to a random 10 year old at the Fiesta Casino who challenged me one night as my wife and I were playing. Pretty embarrassing! The full story is on my blog.
• Currently, the song with the most plays on it on my Itunes is “Shenandoah” by Chanticleer.
• I used to imitate “Bill Cosby Himself” standup comedy when I was in 5th grade.
• My favorite action movie is “PREDATOR.”
• My favorite comedy movies are “Hot Shots: Part Deux” and “The Naked Gun.”
• I originally had no desire to make photography my career. I bought my first camera wanting just “high quality snapshots of friends and family hanging out.”
• I don’t think hiking is fun unless there is an interesting end results. IE: a huge waterfall or arch
• I photograph my own family portrait once per year if I can. My kids rarely cooperate when it comes to my own family portraits.
• My first job was working at Toys R Us when I was 16. Before it closed down a year or two ago, I went in to buy a gift and it smelled exactly as I remembered it.
• One New Year’s Resolution I seem to ALWAYS have is to read more fiction but I never keep it. I am always reading nonfiction or history.
• I am the youngest of 3 and have a brother and a sister. They always complained to me that I was our parents' favorite child. Maybe they were right, maybe they were wrong. Who knows?
• My favorite restaurant is the Grand Luxe Café.
• If I could photograph any current celebrity, it would be Kate Beckinsale, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Connelly or Gal Gadot. All are beautiful, yes, but all exhibit interesting personality traits in their interviews that leads me to think they’d be fun subjects.
• If I could photograph any past celebrity, I’d photograph Audrey Hepburn.
• My firstborn looks exactly like me (lucky guy) and my second boy looks exactly like my wife. They don’t even look like brothers even though they are only 13 months apart. We have a third baby on the way so it’ll be interesting which parent this one looks like!
• I don’t watch a lot of t.v. but always enjoyed Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad and Breaking Bad and America’s Funniest Videos. I think most shows take themselves way too seriously and are overly dramatic so I usually like the ridiculous comedies.
• I have the habit of trying to make grumpy looking cashiers laugh when I’m in the grocery store. I sometimes see if I can do it within 10 seconds.
• When I’m not working, I have to force myself to not think about work because my work is so fulfilling for me.
• I’m quite social and love to interact but I also value my alone time. I make an effort to have time for myself without distraction on a daily basis. It keeps me balanced.
• Things I wish I would make more time for: friends, bowling, playing pool, mini golf and going shooting.
• I never enjoyed yard work until I owned my own home. Planning every aspect of my front and backyard is a fun process for me now.
• Things I want to improve on: overall car knowledge (repair and just how they work in general), gardening, more consistent positive thinking.
• I love this quote: “You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.”